The HEAT-INSYDE consortium met in Cadarache, France, on May 10-11th for its 8th General Assembly. Hosted by the project partner CEA, representatives from the project’s 14 partners from industry and academia met for two days of productive and intense exchange. During the two-day meeting, the consortium members presented their latest progress, discussed the challenges to meet the ambitious objectives of the project and were also accompanied for a guided tour to CEA’s solar power facilities.
After a warm welcome from Etienne Wurtz (CEA), the HEAT-INSYDE coordinator Olaf Adan (TNO) opened the floor emphasizing the important phase the project is now in: “We are entering a crucial phase on the project so having face-to-face meetings is a must to discuss our progress and to keep our spirit of collaboration alive.”
The first day focsued on discussing the progress in all aspects of the project, with presentations ranging from the heat battery production to the communication and exploitation of the project’s outputs. The current status of work at the three single-family houses in the Netherands, France and Poland, the so-called demonstration sites, where the heat battery will be installed and tested in real-life conditions, formed a key point of discussion to refine the plans for the delivery and installation of the heat battery over the coming months. The in-person meeting created the ideal opportunity for small-group discussions on specific topics to continue into the later afternoon, leading to progress that was presented to all the following day. The demonstration sites require not only for all technical details to be considered so that the heat batteries can function at their best, but the consortium is also preparing and planning for easy installation, maintenance and trouble-shooting at three very different sites across Europe. This all requires considerable preparation and excellent team collaboration, which the consortium is striving to maintain.
While in Cadarache, some of the team members took the opportunity to share further insights into their role in the project and the current satus of their work – watch the short videos below to learn more and follow HEAT-INSYDE on LinkedIn and Twitter for the latest updates!